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1st April 2021

European Agreement between the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Consolat de Mar, and the European Union Intellectual Property Office, EUIPO, to promote alternative dispute resolution.

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For the first time, this landmark agreement joins the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, and its Consolat de Mar, with the European agency, EUIPO, responsible for ensuring business innovation through the protection of trademarks, designs and models, which are key competitive advantage assets for companies.

Through this agreement, the Chamber, through its ADR center headed by the Consolat de Mar, undertakes to promote the use of ADRs through any informative means, trainings and cooperation activities, confident that the rights and benefits inherent to intellectual property can increase their value through consensual resolution mechanisms for parties in conflict.

With the signature of this agreement, the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce enhances its support to business’ R & D & I investments, mostly when upon the current constant changing environment, consensual and peaceful ways of resolving conflicts, seem to be more necessary than ever

The agreement joint declaration of intent has been signed between the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the European Union Intellectual Property Office, EUIPO, in particular with the ADR service of the Boards of Appeal.

Common Statement of Intent EUIPO (1)