Register of Mediators

The General Council of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Catalonia’s Register of Mediators is the common Register for all the Chambers of Catalonia to provide their mediation services. This Register offers qualified people – training and experience in dispute resolution and the business world – with an objective recruitment procedure, which enables objectively choosing the most suitable person according to the type of dispute in question and which guarantees the rights of the parties at all times (recusal of the mediator).

Download Register of Mediators form

Consulate of the Sea’s Register of Arbitrators

Persons interested in acting as arbitrators in the procedures administered by the Consulate of the Sea must fill in the corresponding form.

The Consulate of the Sea, through its Select Committee, shall assess their suitability and decide on their inclusion in the list of arbitrators to be appointed in each case.

Download Register of Arbitrators form