Legislation on the regulation of alternative dispute resolution systems within the Chamber’s scope of the powers.
- Law 14/2002, of 27 June, on the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Catalonia and of the General Council of the Chambers
- Law 4/2014, of 1 April, the basic statute on the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation
- Law 15/2009 mediation in the field of private law (Government of Catalonia)
- Law 5/2012, of July 6 on Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters
- Law 25/2015, of 28 July on Mechanism of Second Chance amending Law 22/2003 of 9 July, on Insolvency
- Regulation on Internal Regime of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
- Regulation on Business Mediation of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation
- Regulation on Arbitration
- Regulation on the Consensual Dispute Resolution Procedure
- Regulation on the Register of mediators of the General Council of Chambers of Commerce of Catalonia
- Regulation on the Ordinance of the Consulate of the Sea