Monthly Archives

21st November 2024

The Consolat de Mar meets the Catalan Minister of Justice and Democratic Quality

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On November 19th, the president of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the Consolat de Mar, Josep Santacreu, met with the Catalan Minister of Justice and Democratic Quality, Ramon Espadaler, to bring the mission and legacy of the Consolat de Mar closer to the new executive of the Catalan Government.

Josep Santacreu highlighted the need to collaborate in promoting mediation through institutions such as Consolat and highlighted the great opportunity that this collaboration represents to respond to current challenges such as the judicial overload and the promotion of dialogue and agreement.

After the appointment last May of the members of the Council of Twenty, which is the governing body of the Consolat de Mar, the institution is immersed in a new stage with several lines of action, being one of them the strengthening of the institution by becoming an institution of reference at Catalan and state level, as far as alternative conflict resolution systems is concerned.

Spain approves the Bill on measures regarding the efficiency of the Public Justice Service

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On November 14, 2024, the Bill on measures regarding the efficiency of the Public Justice Service was approved by 179 votes in favor and 168 against, which “addresses the transformation of Courts into Courts of Instance, with the support of judicial offices that today are redefined and restructured into procedural processing units and common services.”

The exposition of this Bill contains the recommendation of the European Commission to the Member States regarding intensifying their efforts to promote and encourage the use of mediation, a request that the European Parliament endorsed in its Resolution of September 12, 2017, on the application of Directive 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 21, 2008.

Also, article 5 of the Bill establishes the procedural requirement, including mediation, as one of the mechanisms, among others, to comply with this requirement.

Please find the complete text -> here