It offers you confidential solutions to manage your expectations, solutions that you could not obtain in judicial or arbitration proceedings.

(the amounts indicated do not include VAT)

Ordinary proceeding

Application fee: €90

Information & Assessment Meeting: €90

Management costs: from €300 to €500 (1)

Mediator fees: Shall be calculated according to the number of sessions that are planned and that the parties have agreed to beforehand. To this end, a quotation shall be presented prior to commencement of the mediation, which the parties shall have to accept.

Summary proceedings

Management fees: from €180 (1). This procedure, exceptionally, includes the amount of the application fee and the Information & Assessment Meeting.

Mediator fees: These shall be calculated according to the specialisation of the proceedings to be held within the scheduled period of 4 consecutive hours. To this end, a quotation shall be presented prior to commencement of the mediation, which the parties shall have to accept.

The amount of the Consulate management costs and that of the mediation sessions may be increased by 30%, if more than two parties participate in the mediation.

(1) The Consulate of the Sea’s management fee includes: Spaces for the sessions, forms, communications to the parties and the mediators in the procedure, summonses, file, changes of designation, communications to the court, controls, issuance of certificates and documents for the parties corresponding to the Information & Assessment Meeting, initial and final organisational hearing.

The services of photocopying, courier, translations, telephone, email, Skype, video conferencing, hiring and requesting of experts, advisers, notaries, lawyers or other persons required by the parties for professional and other non-professional actions included in the management price, described above, shall be borne by the parties after accepting the corresponding quotation by agreement of the parties.

The parties, in all proceedings, must have paid the required amounts before the corresponding sessions commence.