London International Disputes Week (LIDW2022)

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Dispute Resolution – Global, Sustainable, Ethical?

London & Online 9th – 13th May 2022

The event provides an opportunity for dispute resolution professionals from around the globe to debate the current disputes landscape, and the future of disputes resolution – with a focus on London as a hub for international disputes. The conference will open with a day dedicated to international dispute resolution with a “follow the sun” model for different jurisdictions globally. Please see the programme., the new key portal for the Catalan legal language, kicks-off

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A total of 18 Catalan and Andorran institutions and entities, led by the Council of Catalan Lawyers, with the collaboration of the Departments of Justice and Culture, promote the creation of this new website;

Among others, it will allow the consultation of documents such as legal, registry, arbitration, notarial and solicitor forms, as well as clauses for referral to mediation.     


A tool for everyone 

The portal is oriented to help legal professionals (lawyers, solicitors, notaries, registrars, social graduates, judges), language professionals (correctors, translators, legal language teachers) and administrative staff, public or private, to draft legal and administrative documents. It also tends to help students of legal language or law students, university professors, researchers in the fields of linguistics and terminology, as well as anyone interested in this language. As Ms. Ciuró stated “in the defense of the Catalan we must be everyone”, and referring to the Department she heads, she said that “the Administration supports all those entities that make tools such as the Compendium possible”.

More information at ->

The Consolat de Mar Collaborates with the Barcelona School of Management – UPF on the VI International Congress for the Study of Mediation and Conflicts

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We collaborate with the University Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona School of Management on the 6th International Congress for the Study of Mediation and Conflict, which will take place in Barcelona, October 21st & 22nd.  Please find here the program and registration details ->  VI Congreso Internacional para el estudio de la mediación y el conflicto (


The Consolat de Mar has signed an agreement by and between the Vic Bar Association and the Osona Chamber of Commerce in order to promote mediation for companies and business entrepreneurs

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The agreement shall promote mediation amongst companies. It tends to implement the ADRs systems as effective mechanisms for companies’ dispute resolution. The Consolat de Mar, the Osona Chamber of Commerce and the Vic Bar Association bring their support to these systems and shall put in place coordinated mechanisms to assist companies and business entrepreneurs in the mechanics of mediation and ADRs. The agreement was signed at the Osona Chamber of Commerce headquarters on June 7th, 2021.